About Live Stoic

Live Stoic is a project to help you live a better life through stoic philosophy. We will be releasing games and exercises to make you think about your life with a stoic mindset. All features will be open sourced and built on the Solana blockchain.

What is Stoicism?

Stoicism is a philosophy that teaches you to live a good life by accepting the things you cannot change and focusing on the things you can.
stoicism diagram

Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius was an Emporer of Rome who practiced stoicism. He wrote a book called Meditations which is a collection of his thoughts and reflections, and is considered one of the most important stoic texts.
Marcus Aurelius


Epictetus was a stoic philosopher who lived in Greece. He was a slave who was freed by his master and went on to become a teacher. He wrote a book called The Enchiridion which is a collection of his stoic teachings.


Seneca was a stoic philosopher from Rome who was a tutor to the emperor Nero. He wrote a book called Letters from a Stoic in which he wrote letters to his friend Lucilius about stoicism.